Inspirational: Dr Kate Granger
A new award for Outstanding Achievement is to be created in honour of inspirational doctor Kate Granger who died last month of a rare form of cancer.
Dr Kate captured nationwide attention by starting the Hello My Name Is campaign to promote better communication between doctors and patients. It was launched after she became a patient herself.
The new honour will be made for the first time at next year's Yorkshire Choice Awards and nominations open tomorrow.
Kate was a true heroine and if we can find someone with a pinch of her devotion and intrepid passion they will be very special indeed. Our Awards celebrate all that is good in Yorkshire and Kate was as good as it gets. – AWARDS CO-FOUNDER JO MALTBY

Yorkshire Choice Awards
The Yorkshire Choice Awards, recognising local people and businesses, is back for a second year. Launched in April this year, more than 88,000 votes were cast, proving Yorkshire really does thrive on inspiring people.
The Danny Jones Defibrillator Fund Charity will be the 2017 charity partner and the it is hoped to help his widow, Lizzie, raise money for equipment that could prove the difference between life and death at Rugby clubs across the UK.

Support for Lizzie Jones' charity
Lizzie Jones is an incredible lady. The passion and courage she has shown in such traumatic circumstances motivated us to immediately open discussions about us supporting her in 2017. – CO-FOUNDER MELANIE MALCOLM
And nominations can be made online until October.